Manali bans camping without permission
Camping in Manali

Why do people love Manali?

Manali is one of India’s most loved tourist destinations. Whether you love snow-capped peaks, clear waters, or just sightseeing. There are plenty of opportunities for adventure lovers to take part in skydiving, scuba diving, and other thrilling activities. This is the main reason why people love Manali.

With the increase in tourism, illegal camping is becoming a problem. The government has banned camping without predetermined permissions. Now, travelers need to seek permission first before setting up their tents.

Manali Bans Camping without Permission

For a momentous change, Manali has banned camping without permission. This step is taken to stop illegal campsites in forest regions of Kullu-Manali. Next time, if you plan to go camping in Manali, make sure to get permissions from the administration and wildlife departments to pitch tents.

From now on, those entering forest areas will have to pay INR 50. Officials who are given the responsibility of this task are required to remove all illegal camping tents from these places and make sure that the entrance points to popular trekking routes are well maintained.

Recently, a meeting in Manali was held to discuss illegal camping and it was decided that all of these illegal tent camps will be removed. Surender Thakur, the Sub-Divisional Magistrate of Manali said there were many complaints about illegal camping and the permanent tents in forest regions.

The Magistrate said, “These campsites are ruining the environment and polluting water sources. I will take strict action to stop this activity.”

According to reports, a team will establish temporary check posts to ensure that HP Adventure Activities Rules are followed. The first check post will be established on Hamta Pass Trek to regulate trekking and camping. This is one of the most famous and busiest treks in Himachal Pradesh.

Camping without the explicit permission of the forest department is prohibited. This activity can only happen in a distance of about 25 meters from any water streams and solo camping is prohibited until the special permission is granted.

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